When going on a vacation to a Disney park it can be hard to know what to bring with
you. I have created a list below of my
top things to make sure you have in your suitcase
Walking Shoes
The first thing I recommend you have are good pairs of walking shoes. You will want to make sure the shoes you have for the parks are comfortable and you are able to walk and stand in them for long periods of time. I always make sure to pack a couple pairs of comfortable shoes to wear. My feet do better if I switch up which type of shoes I wear every few days. Also, you want to have at least one extra pair in case something happens to your shoes. If you buy a new pair of shoes before you head on your trip, be sure to break those shoes in. You don’t want to wear brand new shoes to the park. You will have blisters and your feet will hurt really bad from the new shoes.
Band Aids
You never know when you will need a band aid, so make sure to pack some when going on vacation. With all the walking around at the Disney parks you could end up with blisters, a scrape, or something else that you will need a band aid for. You are able to buy band aids at the hotels but you will be able to buy a bigger box for less at a store before you leave on your trip.
Sunscreen and Aloe Vera
The Disney parks are located in warm climates, so be sure to pack sunscreen. You don’t want to get a sunburn as you are walking around the parks. This will make your trip rough and could cause you to not fully enjoy your time. Make sure to reapply your sunscreen throughout the day, especially if it’s a hot day. Set a timer on your phone or watch so you remember to reapply to help prevent a sunburn. In case you do get a sunburn, pack some Aloe Vera to help the pain and heal the sunburn.
Rain Coat or Poncho
Disney parks can be fun in the rain but only if you are prepared for it. Packing a rain coat or poncho is a good idea. These will keep you dry during a rain storm and keep your clothes from getting soaked. You don’t want to get soaked from the rain and be wet, cold, and miserable the rest of the day at the park. A rain coat will allow you to be able to enjoy your park day even in the rain.
The nights at the Disney parks can get chilly especially during the fall, winter and spring months. Make sure to pack a sweatshirt so you can stay warm during the evenings. If you forget your sweatshirt, no worries Disney always has multiple different ones that you can purchase throughout the parks. (Little fun tip: sometimes I “forget” to pack my sweatshirt so I have to buy a new one!)
Hand Sanitizer and Wipes
Disney does their best to keep the parks clean but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t germs and sticky surfaces. Packing hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes will help kill germs and give you an easy way to clean your hands, especially before eating a delicious treat. Also the wipes can come in handy if you spill on your clothes or need to wipe something up.
You never know when you will have a runny nose or need a tissue. Pack some of the small tissue packages in your suitcase so you can take them to the parks.
Hats and Sunglasses
The sun can get very bright when you are walking around the Disney parks. You’ll want to make sure to pack a hat or sunglasses to help shield your eyes from the sun.
It is a good idea to pack some extra snacks to keep in your hotel room. There are times you will get back from the parks and want something to eat and it is nice to have a snack available when all the stores are closed. You can also pack some protein bars for the morning so you don’t have to stop for breakfast when you get into the park. These are also helpful if you want a pick me up in the middle of the day but don’t want to pay for a Disney snack.
Reusable Water Bottle
You’ll want to keep hydrated while you are visiting the Disney parks. To save on money pack a reusable water bottle from home. There are stations throughout the parks where you can fill up your water bottle for free. You can also ask for a free cup of water from any restaurant and fill your water bottle up that way.